MLK Events Calendar


August 5th and 6th- Parent orientation

August 12th- First Day of School

September 2nd- Labor Day NO SCHOOL

September 6th- Back to School Night 4:00- 6:00pm

Goodies with Grandparents week

·       September 9th Room 101

·       September 10th Room 102

·       September 11th Room 103

·       September 12th Room 104

·       September 13th Room 105

September 27th- Super Shots (Flu Mist)

October 3rd- Smart Art Soiree

October 4th- Give Hear Hearing Screening 9:00- 11:30am

October 14th- Staff Development Day NO SCHOOL

October 15th- Pumpkin Patch Maze at MLK

October 17th and 18th- Picture Day

Parent Teacher Conferences

·       November 7th- 4:00-6:00pm

·       November 8th- 9:00-3:00pm NO SCHOOL

November 11th- Staff Development Day NO SCHOOL

Giving Thanks Celebration Week

·       November 18th Room 101

·       November 19th Room 102

·       November 20th Room 103

·       November 21st Room 104

·       November 22nd Room 105

November 27th- 29th- Thanksgiving/Fall Break NO SCHOOL

December 2nd-16th- Penny Wars

December 17th- Winter Solstice Program 4:30-7:00pm

December 23rd- January 3rd- Winter Break NO SCHOOL

January 6th- Return to School

January 17th- Rosa Parks Bus Tour

January 20th- Martin Luther King Jr. Day NO SCHOOL

March 31st-April 4th- Spring Break NO SCHOOL

April 18th- Good Friday NO SCHOOL

Parent Teacher Conferences

·       May 1st- 4:00-6:00pm

·       May 2nd- 9:00-3:00pm NO SCHOOL

Muffins with Mom Week

·       May 5th Room 101

·       May 6th Room 102

·       May 7th Room 103

·       May 8th Room 104

·       May 9th Room 105

May 21st - PreK (Age 5 by August 1st, 2025) and Kindergarten graduation (4:30-7:30) - HALF DAY FOR ALL STUDENTS

May 22nd - Last Day of School for all students

May 23rd- May 30th-NO SCHOOL

June 2nd -STEM Camp Begins

Donuts with Dudes

·       June 9th Room 101

·       June 10th Room 102

·       June 11th Room 103

·       June 12th Room 104

·       June 13th Room 105

June 19th- Juneteenth NO SCHOOL

July 4th- Independence Day NO SCHOOL

July 25th - Last Day of STEM Camp

July 28th - August 8th- NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS

August 4th - August 8th- Staff Development Week

August 6th - Parent Orientation (Last Names A-L)

August 7th - Parent Orientation (Last Names M-Z)

August 11th- First Day of School 2025-2026