Meet Our New Assistant Director!

We would like the opportunity to introduce you to Lindsay Rorick, who was recently promoted to the position of Assistant Director here at MLK Montessori School! 



Lindsay first became acquainted with MLK Montessori in 2016, when she enrolled her son Lincoln (who was, at the time, her foster son), at the school. Lincoln had just been placed in Lindsay’s home and was struggling with basic academic skills and exhibiting very challenging behaviors. Lindsay and her husband selected MLK because they felt welcomed by the staff and because they believed that the school’s Montessori approach to education, with its flexible, child-led learning, would benefit Lincoln. It didn’t take long for Lindsay and her husband to realize that they had made the right decision. Lincoln’s teacher, Ms. Robin, remained in constant communication with Lindsay and worked diligently to ensure that Lincoln was receiving the supports he required. The Montessori approach to learning was also a tremendous asset to Lincoln, and he made significant academic and social gains over the course of his first year. 


At the end of Lincoln’s first year at MLK, Lindsay also joined the school! Specifically, she was hired as MLK’s Director of Community and Family Engagement. As the Director of Community and Family Engagement, Lindsay represented MLK at events throughout the community, helped to plan and implement family engagement activities, and connected families in need with information and community resources. Lindsay has been committed to serving youth for many years and brought a wealth of knowledge and experience to her role. She had worked with a variety of local youth-serving organizations before joining MLK, including Lifeline Youth & Family Services and SAFY (where she helped residential, at-risk youth and teens in foster care transition to independent living), the Phoenix Institute (a nonprofit child placement agency), as well as Lutheran Social Services of Indiana (where she provided teen mothers with prenatal, child development, and parenting information and resources and also worked with families in crisis to ensure that they had the resources they needed to achieve stability). Lindsay is also certified to conduct training in trauma-informed care, sexual abuse, and managing challenging behaviors.


During her nearly three years at MLK, Lindsay has been a tremendous asset to our school, and we are thrilled that has agreed to take on the role of Assistant Director. As Assistant Director, she will continue to fulfill her former duties as the Director of Community and Family Engagement. However, she will also take on a greater management role and do even more to support Greta McKinney, our Executive Director, in her executive role. Lindsay said she’s eager to help promote MLK Montessori in the community. While the school has been instrumental in shaping the lives of thousands of young people in southeast Fort Wayne, Lindsay wants to ensure that the community at-large is also aware of MLK and its decades of tremendous service to children.